Monday 18 July 2011

Longer run

25km - made up of 21.1km, then 4km warmdown. 87:56 for the half mara (4:10s), approx 18:00 for 4km (4:30s), from my house to the Bay Run, 2 laps, and return.

Longest run I've done in almost a year. I know that makes me sound soft, but over that time I've been focussing on shorter stuff and haven't raced anything over 10km. So the "long" runs weren't very long. Headed to the Bay, but left the car at home and ran the approx 5km there. Great afternoon to be out and about, and quite a crowd out at the Bay, even at 3pm.

Was pleased with pacing and effort today - around 4:12s for the first 10km or so (had 5 identical 4:12s in a row, followed by 4:11, 4:10 - gotta love pancake flat traffic free courses), then picked it up in the second half to average 4:10s overall, slightly quicker than the goal for today.

Had a quiet last couple of days running wise as was up in Queensland for a funeral, followed by a big weekend out which included catching up with my brother and going to a Broncos match - so at least my legs were fresh for today. Felt a bit different doing the Sunday long run on a Monday though. Plan is to increase the long runs by a few kms each week over the next few weeks and see how I feel, before getting ahead of myself with any marathon plans. A couple a people have encouraged me to do it, a good mate has warned against it and told me to stick to the track. I'll decide after seeing how I'm going.

On the home reno front (I'm not doing it as a result of all these home reno shows on TV, swear I'm not..), prior to heading out for my run I installed a stack of gutter guard, then sealed the pavers that were laid a few weeks back. So a productive day on a few fronts

Bay Run half mara
Warmdown from half mara


  1. CrazyDiamond, you're damn right I warn you against running the longer stuff. I've said it before and I'll say it again. 10km+ whittles away your core and leg stength which you need on a track.

    Question: how many chicks beat you at 800m? And how many over a marathon? 'nuff said.

    You were born to sprint, sunshine, don't let old farts with warped views on running distort that.

  2. Daniel,

    I've found since doing my Personal training studies many of us that compete in Long Distance, do over train!! Since getting older and more so for this Marathon (partly also due to my newborn son arriving) coming up in September, will do a little less of the no sense pounding forthe sake of it and try for quality long distance, enough to keep me going and hopefully reach peak on race day. I was more of a sprinter in my youth at school and initially found the long stuff tough!

    ++++ also doing some resistance training to keep the strength in your legs/body and also be able to run for years to come!
