Sunday 3 July 2011

Waterfront half marathon

Friday 10km of hill circuit Marrickville 45:20 (4:32s)

Sunday 21.1km long run Waterfront Pyrmont to Mrs Macquarie's Chair and return 1:30:57 (4:18s with a slow first 4km)

Have to be a shortish blog post today, as its the boss' (wife's) birthday today, and I've already snuck out for a 90 minute run, so better not spend too long blogging about it...Felt good today - hadn't run since Friday which didn't hurt. The only thing that did hurt a bit was my stomach as I set off for the run at 2.30pm after a family birthday lunch. Started it slowly in Pyrmont, as was running the first 4km with a friend visiting from Melbourne - ran those 4km in 5:01s, which I think is quicker than his last 5km race, so he was going well.

After that, I ran off for the rest of the run, into the city hugging the harbour all the way, running all the wharves etc. Had clocked up 14km by the time I got to Andrew Boy Charlton Pool at the back of Mrs Macquarie's Chair, and didn't have to cross one road in those 14km. Did however have to dodge a million tourists and Sunday late lunchers in Darling Harbour/Cockle Bay/King St Wharf. My fault for going out so late, but man some people walk some unpredictable lines....I did well to come away with no collisions.

Picked up the pace after I turned, and came back a slightly shorter way. Aim was to do 24km, however was running out of time before we had to leave, so did a neat 21.1km instead. Average was 4:18, however excluding the first 4km, 'twas 4:09s, which is almost exactly what I was aiming for. So a decent run, but I don't recommend running 21.1 not long after eating a massive restaurant lunch...

49km for the week - down a bit on usual

Waterfront half mara

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