Monday 11 July 2011

Still runnin'

14km Bay Run 56:41 (4:03s)

About a week since my last blog post - and almost a week since my last decent run. Couple of nothing short runs in between - none worth blogging about - plus was caught up for a few days doing some serious work around the house. Well, serious for a skinny ass runner with no upper body strength. Had my front and backyards returfed, so had a lot of prep work to do for it before the real guys came in to lay the turf. Digging, rock moving, concrete splitting etc etc...

Then once the turf was put in, from nowhere I grew a greenthumb and decided to build garden beds with the rocks etc. Looks a lot better now, but hard work. Some good strength work for my legs, but not necessarily my runner/Accountant arms. One or two mornings I struggled to lift my arms above my head. And for once I'm praying for some rain - none for weeks, I've now exhausted my 5,000L rainwater tank, so am onto the mains supply to ensure this stuff doesn't die on me. My poor dog is freaking out wondering where all the water jets and sprays in the backyard have come from.

New front yard - wonder if my wife will notice the mini football pitch I asked them to incorporate...

Today's run felt really good - hadnt been out to Bay for a couple of weeks, and great afternoon weather. Planned to run it in 4:15s, and was on target after 1km, but felt great so just rolled them out, one of those days where it felt easy. I was probably more pleased with the consistent laps, every km was between 4:00 and 4:05, with the last 3 a little quicker, to average 4:03s. Love running on traffic free courses, no annoying cyclists today either.

I want to get back to some longer weekend runs soon, to see where I'm at, given Sydney Marathon is less than 10 weeks away. Not 100% if I'll do it yet, will see how the next couple of weeks pan out - just keen to run one while I have a bit more time to train. 6 years since my last road mara (couple of 6 Foot Tracks in between though), only downside will be it will delay my track season start this year.

Hopefully this week will have less gardening and more running. Heading up to Qld on Friday for a funeral (good family friend), so will catch up with my family, and maybe sneak in a run along the river on Saturday.

14km Bay Run incl extras

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