Thursday 30 June 2011

Restaurant bookings

8km easy Annandale/Camperdown 35:01 (4:21s)

Wednesday was a bit of a nothing day for running - didn't push the pace or distance as back still not 100% plus groin is still feeling very iffy after Dragons training. I know that one sentence makes me sound like an injury whinger and also a bit dodgy given the known bad behaviour of NRL players, but it’s true. Amazing what changing your running from everything in a dead straight line can do to the body.

So a short one today, just rolled through the kms. This did however give me some time to organise things for my wife's birthday this weekend. Nothing like leaving things to the last minute - always seems to involve racing around from store to store, and snooty restaurant staff informing me that "we've been fully booked for weeks you know..." I hope I can get in somewhere decent, as I can't cook, and I don't think cheap Thai (especially when we live in Newtown/Enmore) or Subway will cut it on her big day...

Easy Annandale/Camperdown

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