Thursday 30 June 2011

Restaurant bookings

8km easy Annandale/Camperdown 35:01 (4:21s)

Wednesday was a bit of a nothing day for running - didn't push the pace or distance as back still not 100% plus groin is still feeling very iffy after Dragons training. I know that one sentence makes me sound like an injury whinger and also a bit dodgy given the known bad behaviour of NRL players, but it’s true. Amazing what changing your running from everything in a dead straight line can do to the body.

So a short one today, just rolled through the kms. This did however give me some time to organise things for my wife's birthday this weekend. Nothing like leaving things to the last minute - always seems to involve racing around from store to store, and snooty restaurant staff informing me that "we've been fully booked for weeks you know..." I hope I can get in somewhere decent, as I can't cook, and I don't think cheap Thai (especially when we live in Newtown/Enmore) or Subway will cut it on her big day...

Easy Annandale/Camperdown

Tuesday 28 June 2011

St George Dragons training - snapped in half

Monday - no run, lower back very iffy after weekend running
Tuesday - 10km easy in Stanmore/Marrickville 43:41 (4:22s)

Not a lot of running the past two days as a dodgy lower back problem I get on and off came on after my Sunday trail run. Not a major problem, something that cost me a few $ at the physio last year, so I know how to deal with it now.

But the most intense session I've done this week wasn't a straight run, but today with the St George Dragons NRL team. No joke, it was a competition win from one of their sponsors, consisted of a couple of hours at the Kogarah home ground for a tour, viewing of video session, Q&A with coaches (alas, not Wayne Bennett) and a couple of players, then taking part in a couple of short touch footy based games. Also scored a Dragons jersey - I lucked out by getting the away strip, other winners got the home Red V strip.

I'm not a Dragons fan, but love NRL, and it was an amazing day. Especially as it was the day after the Dragons had played, so the high tech video session was an eye opener. Also was very interesting how much they monitor their players during training sessions - on all days other than recovery days (which this was), each player wears a GPS unit monitoring their speed, balance (via an accelerometer) for possible onset of injuries, and overall distance covered. This is all viewed in real time in a room at the top of the grandstand by an IT staffmember who relays messages back to the coaches that "player x is slackening off/getting fatigued this session, he's down  to an average of only 5 m/s, call him out" etc. I had scary thoughts of if this was ever cheap enough to apply to running training sessions, especially someone monitoring some of my lazy "middle" reps...

The short touch footy style attack and defence games we then got to take part in were good fun, mainly things like 6 v 6 with a defender dropping off each touch (not tackle). No way in hell was I taking part if it was anything other than touch, they would have broken me in half. Even the little guys were all big units, and no doubt had a laugh later at the skinny runner and other wannabes joining in. Couple of pics below - none once we left the sheds and out onto the field however.

Hips and groin feeling a bit sore from all the sideways movement now, think I might call the club and ask if one of their masseurs can come and visit me for a follow up :)

I got the away strip - bummer
Not a lot of "stars" at today's recovery session - most are in NSW Origin camp

Saturday 25 June 2011

Blackbutt Reserve

Saturday - 6km easy Kotara (Newcastle) 25:41 (4:16s)
Sunday - 14km of hilly trails Blackbutt and Richley Reserves (Newcastle) 62:10 (4:26s)

Up in Newcastle for the weekend, combination of a family birthday and Knights home game. First time I've seen the new grandstand at the ground - pretty impressive, a far cry from about 10 years ago when there was one dilapidated stand for members and then hill on 3 sides, meaning that anyone with a general admission ticket needed to arrive at 10am for a 3pm kickoff, or be standing right up the back.

Blackbutt Reserve is right across the road from where I stayed at my inlaws. And what a place to run. Will put the Garmin link up when I'm home tomorrow, but in summary firetrail with a LOT of rolling hills. Nothing too huge, but almost no flat, just endless up and down, all very runnable. A great workout and I was happy with overall pace as wasnt killing myself today, a combination of too many rum and cokes here last night (it is Newcastle after all...kidding, I love the place), and not wanting to smash my legs on the downhills. Finished it off with a 900m race around the (very hilly) block with my 8 year old nephew - he beat me and ran a PB, I struggled home in second :)

Better go to my nephew's birthday party now - will hit the junkfood with a vengeance after those hills and 900m race...

Hope the Knights win this afternoon, but I'm not confident, they always play poorly against the Roosters

71km for the week

Blackbutt Reserve run
Kotara streets easy run

Friday 24 June 2011

Campbell Athletics Field

12km 48:14 (4:01s) incl 5km tempo 18:31 (3:42s)

Sydney put on a great day for running - perfect weather. Wanted to run on some nice flat grass today, so headed out to Campbell Athletics Field in Canterbury/Hurlestone Park. Bit of a hidden gem this track, its marked all year around, gate is always open, hardly anyone ever there (except Brendan and his Woodstock Runners on Thursday nights) and only 10 mins drive from where I live. Note to anyone running it - one lap is 400m only if running in the very outside lane, actually from memory its 397m or so. Close enough, the longer bits of grass make up for it :)

Ran nice and comfy for almost 5km around the track, picking it up slightly towards the end. Only one other person the whole time I was there - but she close to walk in the outside lane in the opposite direction to which I was running, walking a big boxer dog for a number of laps. I nearly stopped mid run and asked her if she could move in a lane - it wasn't like she had a watch and was timing her/her dog's laps - but I was in a good mood so just dodged her and the dog each lap, which kept me on my toes.

Changed shoes quickly after the tempo (felt like a tri-hard-triathlete) then headed off for 7km around Canterbury racecourse and the Cooks River. Not on the racecourse, just around the fences, although I was looking for any gates to squeeze under for next time.

Heading up to Newcastle tomorrow for the weekend for a family thing, hopefully run on a trail I found there last time. Good luck to those running State Cross Country down at Nowra.

5km tempo
7km Cooks River incl w'down

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Wrong question

14km 57:48 (4:07s)

Another visit to the trusty old Bay Run. Early afternoon, so not a lot of traffic on the track, but a lot of wind, especially running across the runners' bridge (ie new Iron Cove Bridge). Plan was to run 60 mins for the 14km today, but was feeling good so ran the last 7kms a bit faster in 4:00s.

Got home and after commenting to my wife that training was going well this week, she added "perhaps you could run for fitness rather than racing and competition?". I wont mention my exact reply, but suffice to say it wasn't in the affirmative.

Not sure yet if I'll run a speed session tomorrow or Friday now, as a weekend away (Newcastle) has just come up, so I've had to shuffle around weekend running/racing plans.

14km Bay Run

Monday 20 June 2011

Pain in the Domain

5.9km fartlek 25:07 (4:15s) plus 8km w'up/down for 14km all up

A long overdue Pain in the Domain session of fartlek - man I love the sound of that word. Decent sized Group 1 today of approx 15 runners, with about 10 finishing. Felt strong the whole way today, and with two other guys (Shaun and ?) we pushed the long rep from near the Opera House gates around to the "other" gate, to run it in 2:03 (its around 710m I think, so 2:53 pace). My quickest long rep in years, plus we finished into a massive headwind, happy enough with that. Overall time for the session was decent, especially given that a couple of recoveries for me and one or two others were slightly longer than usual as we looped around to regroup.

Saw the HuRTS squad a few times while out there (including a near head on collision as we did our gate to gate, but its all good), they were doing long reps of some sort, with a big group and flying as usual. I hear they smash themselves in training, but it seems to be working when you look at their race results. Something I need to start doing in my own training, might jump into one of their sessions one day as lunchtimes suits me at the moment.

Pain in the Domain fartlek

Sunday 19 June 2011

Easy Monday

Just 10km easy today - 42:18 (4:14s)

Both baby cows were a bit sore this morning after yesterday's hilly race, but Monday is usually an easy day anyway so that was fine. They were okay after a couple of kms, and surprisingly my troublesome ankle isnt as troublesome as I thought it might be. Watching the footy on the couch yesterday with it iced up must have done the trick. Shame about Benji Marshall's knee injury though - Tigers will struggle while he's out.

Nothing else to report for today, so a short one. Will start a decent week of hard training tomorrow, working on including more speed and speed sessions, after yesterday's race was done on base and some hill training, I need to get comfortable again running fast

Easy 10km (link only shows 8km, didnt upload final 2km)

Saturday 18 June 2011

Mini-Mos 5km

3rd overall in 18:44 (5km). also 10km warmup/down for 15km all up. Course PB of almost 30 seconds (last run was 2008). Almost 2 mins slower than my flat course PB, I still reckon this 5km course is not just hilly, but long...

First road race in 4 weeks, following 4.5km Manly scenic fun run back in May (came 2nd), prior to that hadn't raced in 10 months. Per previous post, went into Mini-Mos just wanting to put in a decent well paced effort, perhaps run up near the front, but also to enjoy it - as much as you can enjoy a bl**dy hilly course at 8am in the morning...

Happy with the effort and result, most happy with my pacing. Uphill start followed by a nice downhill with ocean views, I was sitting in 10th at 1km (roughly 3:15 I think based on someone else's Garmin beeping - I've recently decided to ditch mine for races, train religiously in the Garmin, but to quote a mate, I like a race being "catch the b*stard in front, catch the other b*stard in front. A normal watch will do fine for racing).

Caught a couple of guys on the next long uphill to 2km, and with the first 3 guys having cleared off by now, 2 to 3.5km was spent trading places in the "chase" pack of 4th-7th. Couple of young guys had me on the downhills, but I pushed the ups to get back on the pack and occasionally edge just in front, just to show em we can still run in our thirties...haha. Heading up the long final hill, which must start somewhere around 3.7km and winds and drags for probably 800m (and is a decent climb, especially at the end of a race), reeled in the young Sydney Strider in 3rd and despite some pressure, held him and the others off. Was also catching the guy in 2nd, who beat me by 9 secs, but I ran out of road :) Photo from around this point, courtesy of Abbeydigital:

Overall, a great day out and decent hitout for my first slightly bigger fun run back - even if it was just the easier 5km, rather than the full 10km...The relentless Mosman hills meant I never really relaxed, but was pleased with how I ran the ups, and finished strongly. Next race should be flatter, and I'll probably start faster.

64km for the week, pretty consistent with the last 3 or 4.

Thursday 16 June 2011

Small taste of speed

13km including 3 x 1km (2 mins recovery) 3:23, 3:18, 3:14. 13km all up 59:33 (4:34s incl recoveries)

Good to finally do something a bit faster, even if it was a short session. Ran the reps on a loop of streets which runs around Petersham Oval, just off Parramatta Road. Undulating loop, which includes a 300m long hill, so the times were okay, and going the right way. Had planned on doing 4, but legs were very heavy from a couple of days in the garden.

Have entered the 5km event as part of Minimos this Sunday - I've run the 10km there a couple of times, and its a bugger of a course, but will drop back to the 5km this year and get back to 10km events in July/August. Last time I ran the 5km there was 2008, and we all measured it around 5.2km, plus a couple of big hills (incl one in the last km...) so I'm not aiming for any time or average pace. Just want to run well, get back into races, and if I can finish towards the front, will be happy. I think I was about 8th or so when I last ran the 5km.

1km reps Petersham Oval

State of Origin

Wed - rested ankle
Thursday - 12km including 6km of hill circuit 54:15 (4:31s)

Took Wednesday off to prepare for State of Origin. No, actually spent a big chunk of the day (in the rain...) destroying and moving gardens in my backyard - most had edges of large rocks, so it turned into a decent workout. Shoulders and arms feel like I've played Origin. Getting new turf laid next week, so I had pretty much a whole yard to work on. At the end, ankle was swollen up, so a run wasnt the best thing to do.

Well done to the Blues on State of Origin - granted, I am a one-eyed Queenslander, but I reckon a lap of honour and massive celebrations after winning one game (ie not yet a series) seemed a bit much. But I suppose you have to celebrate your wins, and they were the better side last night. Gallen was great, Uate runs like he's possessed, and no-one seemed to do anything stupid (except maybe the usual suspects of Watmough, and Ennis might have if the game went a bit longer), but I'm confident that Qld still have the talent, nous and confidence to win the final match and the series in 3 weeks time. But maybe Thaiday should be used more sparingly - he's becoming more and more of a liability for them.

As long as ankle is good in the morning, will run something a bit quicker tomorrow, too many average/nothing runs recently, need to start finding out where I'm at.

Tuesday 14 June 2011

Thai takeaway

10km with some fartlek but mainly easy 44:20 (4:26s)

Plan was to head into the city for Pain in the Domain at lunchtime, but that changed when my wife unexpectedly had to go visit a friend, so I ended up as Mr Mum for a big chunk of the day. Spent some of the day while baby was asleep strength training via more long overdue housework - this time moving a massive stack of heavy spare roof tiles to storage under the house.

So after an early Thai takeaway dinner (Thai Fusion Junior at Stanmore, great place check em out if in the area), and baby down for the night, rugged up for my first night run in a couple of months. Once I warmed up, started 10 x 1 minute on / 1 minute off. Going okay, until the Thai food decided to almost make another appearance. So after a few more unsuccessful attempts, decided to just cruise the rest of the run. Moral is - as always - don't set out for a run right after dinner.

Thinking of trying Pilates or something as my strength is so crap and I'll eventually run out of home reno type odd jobs. I know I'll cop flak for this, but its always been one part of my running I've neglected (and also suffered a few injuries from, mainly lower back).

Monday 13 June 2011

City to Surf - out

14km at the Bay 57:20 (4:05s)

Started today's run easy (4:30s) but felt good after a couple of km so picked up the pace. Bay was very quiet at 3pm - bad weather and public holiday I suppose - which meant a lot less ducking and weaving than usual.

Happy with how I'm starting to get back into shape, but received some news today that has changed plans a bit. A good mate from high school and uni is getting married up in Brisvegas on 13 August - the night before City to Surf. After missing last year's race due to injury (my first miss in 11 years), and with a bit more time on my hands at the moment, I'd earmarked this year's event as a good one to aim for from a race perspective. I've already entered (got one of the very last preferred spots before they filled up a week or so ago), but there's no way I'll miss the wedding. The race seems to start earlier and earlier every year, due to 0road closures and whinging Eastern suburbs motorists I suppose, so an ultra early flight back isn't really an option anymore.

Shame really, as I've done my $ and will now record a DNS. But there's plenty of other events in August and September I can look at doing, including perhaps another crack at a marathon - my first road marathon in 6 years.... a lot of kms to run before that one though. I'll see where I'm at in another couple of weeks.

On City to Surf, its always risky to put a time out there (esp when I'm now not running it), but I was hoping to run 49:xx this year, which would continue my streak of PBs, which started back in 2001 with a bit of a giggle at the back of the pack before I got back into dedicated running:

2001: 87:35
2002: 79:20
2003: 67:08
2004: 64:57
2005: 56:00 (after joining a running group - Northside Running Group)
2006: 53:32 (finally ran a preferred group qualifier of sub 55 mins)
2007: 52:59
2008: 52:31
2009: 50:10 (after some more serious and consistent training than previous years - 11 bl**dy seconds quicker would have been nicer though...)
2010: Didn't run, injured with torn ankle ligaments from roller skating (first time in about 20 years - and now the last time ever)

Aim is to start injecting more speedwork into the sessions this week.

14km around the Bay

Saturday 11 June 2011

Wet and windy

Saturday - 10km easy 44:32 (4:27s)
Sunday - 14km with squad 56:49 (4:03s) plus 3km warmdown for 17km total

Took Friday off from running as ankle was still causing me some grief but getting better with rest and ice. Saturday was planned to include a tempo, but once I started realised nothing was really happening and risked inflaming it more.

Sunday park to Centennial for run with squad. Rained all night and most of yesterday, so the park was very wet and muddy. And not a cyclist in sight. Soft. Rained for most of the run, and pretty windy in some of the more exposed sections of the park. As almost the whole run is on grass, ended up pretty muddy by the end of it. 40 seconds slower than last week's same run, but given the wet slippery conditions, not worried. Plus I reckon I had at least a kg of water on me by the end of it, which would have accounted for some of that 40 seconds.... Pretty large turnout today given the conditions.

14km with squad

68km for the week with 2 days off due to injury/paving - speaking of paving, my purchase of 100 pavers was almost perfect, ended up using 99.5 of them, so next to no wastage. Seems all my years being an Accountant came in handy

Thursday 9 June 2011

Down to the River

10km easy - 42.15 (4:13s)

Early morning massage to start the day - Easy Tiger worked away at a niggly ankle/calf I've had for the last couple of days. He worked his magic, and I felt I was walking on air when I left. Thanks again Tiger.

Mid morning swim with my wife and baby for his swimming class - but I suppose I shouldn't really classify holding a baby in floating hoops as a "swim". But I'm the world's worst swimmer, so I will.

Late afternoon went down to the Cooks River in South Marrickville for an easy 10km, picking up the pace towards the end. Felt good, ankle a little sore at end, nothing that ice tonight wont fix. Only had Bruce Springsteen for company, and was probably the first time I'd listened really closely to his lyrics. Man, it's so downhearted, reminiscing, but also hopeful stuff. But great as well. Oh, and I also never realised how little guitar is in "Born in the USA" - its all friggin keyboards, but I suppose it was the mid 80s...

If ankle is okay in the morning, will do some faster stuff

Wednesday 8 June 2011

Cold Fartlek

Bit chilly today, so for the run got out the $20 Aldi special compression top I bought last week. In matching black shorts I had the "all gear, no idea" look mastered. Wife even commented that I looked "weird" and "even skinnier than usual". But I showed her - and any other people out walking their dogs or driving past who might have laughed at me - by knocking out a pretty decent run at and around Sydney Park. 14km in 59.08 (4:13s) with 4km of fartlek in the middle averaging 3:39s.

Happy enough with that, should have gone longer in the fartlek bit, but that sort of training is always difficult by yourself, and I soon get bored of it. Well that's my excuse anyway.

Couple of small niggles have come on in recent days, should be sorted with a massage early tomorrow morning, and easy day running.

Tuesday 7 June 2011

Cross Training Pavers

Running kms today: nil. Cross training pavers: 1 Tonne, moved by hand. One hell of a strength/cross training session...

Usually do a fartlek session (Pain in the Domain or another) on Tuesdays, but couldn't today as was getting work done on the house - some paving in backyard. Yard was prepped, then the bl**dy pavers, all two pallets of them, were dropped off a day early at the top of my empty front driveway, blocking all access. As other supplies (gravel, sand etc) are being delivered tomorrow, needed to move the pavers asap. Unpacked by hand, wheelbarrowed to backyard, then unloaded and stacked. 100 pavers all up, and they weren't small or light ones either - but big (60cm x 40cm) concrete ones... I reckon 10kg each, so 1 Tonne of pavers handled twice and wheelbarrowed. Took a couple of hours, and my arms and back aren't too happy now.

Planned to do an easy 10km after it, but struggled to stand up straight so decided to rest up. Back into running tomorrow - as long as the paving guy turns up.

Monday 6 June 2011

Golden point is so passé

Baby cows (calves) felt tight after yesterday's faster run in Cent Park, but after a few kms today they settled down. Did 17km around the Bay late pm with Tiger and Copey, picking up the pace for the last 4-5km. Total 73:59 (4:20s).

Good day to run at the Bay as my NRL team (Newcastle Knights) were playing the Wests Tigers at Leichhardt Oval right on the Bay run - one of their rare appearances at this great suburban ground. Why (money, I know...) do all the teams play at giant monstrocities of stadiums these days? Take Souths for example, playing at Homebush, nowhere near their fanbase, and I dont know what their crowd average is, but I'm guessing maybe 15,000 tops - in an 80,000 venue....Big ask for fans to get interested in that, and create any sort of atmosphere.

Leichhardt on the other hand is great for footy - 18,000 there tonight, and I was one of the 100 odd Knights supporters. And like many other Knights games I've gone to over the years, they didnt disappoint - well, not until the last few minutes of the match like they have a bad habit of doing....after the Tigers (who are actually my favourite Sydney team) did practically nothing all game, except drop the ball a lot, they managed to sneak back to 16 all at the end of the regulation 80 mins. Extra time then proceeded to be the usual boring hitup, hitup, hitup, hitup, hitup, attempt field goal - there must have been 7 or 8 attempts until Robbie Farah put one over from dummy half with a few minutes remaining for the Tigers to win 17-16. Oh well, a close game is normally more fun to watch than a blowout. I just wish we'd get rid of golden point, or at least limit it to tries only (with 20 mins max, then a draw is no points are scored).

No not a bad afternoon all up - 17km run, NRL match at great ground, and a couple of steakburgers and bourbons on the hill for dinner...which I probably should try and run off tomorrow.

Pic of game below:

Sunday 5 June 2011

Back into it ('bout time..)

Finished up full time work roughly 6 weeks ago, at which point my weekly mileage was exactly 0km. Had been for about 2 months, and the 6 months before that was very sporadic in terms of training, and next to no racing. But more on that later.

So 6 weeks of building up, almost all (very boringly) run by myself, saw me hit 70km total for last week. Very small total compared to some out there, but I've always been a low mileage runner, think I've only ever hit 100km/week twice, back when I was running marathons and long off road stuff. Over this period I jumped in a few of Easy Tiger's methodically planned training sessions, which was a great boredom breaker, plus he can run a bit so you know you'll get an honest workout running with "Team Tiger".

But enough of a recap, and up to the present - after a solid 20km (4:05s) by myself around the bay last Sunday, I thought it was time I re-joined the SWEAT Sunday long runs in Centennial, something I did a lot through 2009 and the first half of 2010, times when I set my PBs over 5km/10km/City to Surf. Had planned on doing 90 mins, but got there a few minutes late, so did a couple of kms warmup by myself, then joined the large pack for a solid 14km hitout (4:00 pace). Link to run below. Felt a bit sluggish up the long hill at halfway - but that's nothing new, even when I was running my best with the squad 2 years ago I always hated that long grass/sand climb. But picked it up after that to finish well chasing down a few guys, but didn't have much left at the end.

Happy with the effort and result, but know that its really only the start if I want to get back into any sort of race fit condition for this Winter's races. Races which are already upon us - some great results at State 10km road champs yesterday, disappointed I didn't run them this year, have set my 10km in that race in each of the last 3 years, but knew I'd be wasting my time running it this time around. But there's plenty of others coming up (just not as fast a field or course).

63km total this week, down a bit on last week but some decent sessions