Tuesday 14 June 2011

Thai takeaway

10km with some fartlek but mainly easy 44:20 (4:26s)

Plan was to head into the city for Pain in the Domain at lunchtime, but that changed when my wife unexpectedly had to go visit a friend, so I ended up as Mr Mum for a big chunk of the day. Spent some of the day while baby was asleep strength training via more long overdue housework - this time moving a massive stack of heavy spare roof tiles to storage under the house.

So after an early Thai takeaway dinner (Thai Fusion Junior at Stanmore, great place check em out if in the area), and baby down for the night, rugged up for my first night run in a couple of months. Once I warmed up, started 10 x 1 minute on / 1 minute off. Going okay, until the Thai food decided to almost make another appearance. So after a few more unsuccessful attempts, decided to just cruise the rest of the run. Moral is - as always - don't set out for a run right after dinner.

Thinking of trying Pilates or something as my strength is so crap and I'll eventually run out of home reno type odd jobs. I know I'll cop flak for this, but its always been one part of my running I've neglected (and also suffered a few injuries from, mainly lower back).

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