Saturday 11 June 2011

Wet and windy

Saturday - 10km easy 44:32 (4:27s)
Sunday - 14km with squad 56:49 (4:03s) plus 3km warmdown for 17km total

Took Friday off from running as ankle was still causing me some grief but getting better with rest and ice. Saturday was planned to include a tempo, but once I started realised nothing was really happening and risked inflaming it more.

Sunday park to Centennial for run with squad. Rained all night and most of yesterday, so the park was very wet and muddy. And not a cyclist in sight. Soft. Rained for most of the run, and pretty windy in some of the more exposed sections of the park. As almost the whole run is on grass, ended up pretty muddy by the end of it. 40 seconds slower than last week's same run, but given the wet slippery conditions, not worried. Plus I reckon I had at least a kg of water on me by the end of it, which would have accounted for some of that 40 seconds.... Pretty large turnout today given the conditions.

14km with squad

68km for the week with 2 days off due to injury/paving - speaking of paving, my purchase of 100 pavers was almost perfect, ended up using 99.5 of them, so next to no wastage. Seems all my years being an Accountant came in handy

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