Wednesday 22 June 2011

Wrong question

14km 57:48 (4:07s)

Another visit to the trusty old Bay Run. Early afternoon, so not a lot of traffic on the track, but a lot of wind, especially running across the runners' bridge (ie new Iron Cove Bridge). Plan was to run 60 mins for the 14km today, but was feeling good so ran the last 7kms a bit faster in 4:00s.

Got home and after commenting to my wife that training was going well this week, she added "perhaps you could run for fitness rather than racing and competition?". I wont mention my exact reply, but suffice to say it wasn't in the affirmative.

Not sure yet if I'll run a speed session tomorrow or Friday now, as a weekend away (Newcastle) has just come up, so I've had to shuffle around weekend running/racing plans.

14km Bay Run

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